+++ Heiße Hebel für den April +++

EQS-Adhoc: Raiffeisen Bank International AG: RBI's Board of Management has decided today not to pursue the proposed acquisition of STRABAG SE shares by RBI Group (deutsch)

EQS-Adhoc: Raiffeisen Bank International AG: RBI's Board of Management has decided today not to pursue the proposed acquisition of STRABAG SE shares by RBI Group (deutsch)
Raiffeisen Bank Intl -%
08.05.2024 ‧ dpa-Afx

Raiffeisen Bank International AG: RBI's Board of Management has decided today not to pursue the proposed acquisition of STRABAG SE shares by RBI Group

EQS-Ad-hoc: Raiffeisen Bank International AG / Schlagwort(e): Sonstiges
Raiffeisen Bank International AG: RBI's Board of Management has decided
today not to pursue the proposed acquisition of STRABAG SE shares by RBI

08.05.2024 / 13:29 CET/CEST
Veröffentlichung einer Insiderinformation nach Artikel 17 der Verordnung
(EU) Nr. 596/2014, übermittelt durch EQS News - ein Service der EQS Group
Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent / Herausgeber verantwortlich.


RBI's Board of Management has decided today not to pursue the proposed
acquisition of STRABAG SE shares by RBI Group

Vienna, 8 May 2024. In recent exchanges with the relevant authorities,
Raiffeisen Bank International AG (RBI) has been unable to obtain the
required comfort in order to proceed with the proposed transaction. In an
abundance of caution, the bank has decided to walk away from the deal.

Since the start of the war, RBI has significantly reduced its activities in
Russia and taken broad measures to mitigate the risks from the increased
sanction and compliance requirements.

Independently from the decision to cancel the STRABAG SE transaction, RBI
will continue to work towards the deconsolidation of its Russian subsidiary.

For further information please contact:

John P. Carlson, CFA
Head of Group Investor Relations
Raiffeisen Bank International AG
Am Stadtpark 9
1030 Vienna, Austria
phone +43 1 71 707 2089

Ende der Insiderinformation


08.05.2024 CET/CEST Mitteilung übermittelt durch die EQS Group AG.


Sprache: Deutsch
Unternehmen: Raiffeisen Bank International AG
Am Stadtpark 9
A-1030 Vienna
Telefon: +43-1-71707-2089
Fax: +43-1-71707-2138
E-Mail: ir@rbinternational.com
Internet: www.rbinternational.com
ISIN: AT0000606306
Börsen: Freiverkehr in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg,
Hannover, München, Stuttgart, Tradegate Exchange; Börse
Luxemburg, SIX, Wiener Börse (Amtlicher Handel)
EQS News ID: 1898823

Ende der Mitteilung EQS News-Service

1898823 08.05.2024 CET/CEST


Quelle: dpa-AFX

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